But my last sabbatical was when my daughter was about 6 years old, and I did a long series of naked Barbie dolls. That's why I had time to do 70-hour images. TILDEN: I started this when I was on sabbatical a couple of years ago. They look very much like art student sketches.

But then the nudes, again, are very realistic. YOUNG: There are a couple - I'm looking at a beautiful tight picture of an eye, a beautiful eye. So most drawing mistakes, I can work around and just rework the drawings so that my mistakes get incorporated. I have to wear very strong reading glasses just to keep track of where the stylus is. Every single drawing is one continuous line. And that's my challenge, is to try to make it work. I think in every drawing I make a mess of things. TILDEN: Yeah, that happens to me all the time. YOUNG: Well, anyone who's tried to do anything half of what you do knows how frustrating it is when you just have gotten something right and (makes sound effect) the thing goes flying off and it's wrecked. I've got quite an accumulation of finished works, but I've got also things that I've broken, things that I've dropped. I've made every mistake that is possible to make in doing these. How do you - what have - you don't want to drop it or tilt it or lose it. It takes, you know, up to 70 hours to complete one work. I often have to go over small areas multiple times to get a dark-enough image. And then a lot of it is very meticulous filling in with shading with back-and-forth lines. TILDEN: It involves drawing an outline that takes quite a bit of time to do because the lines may be circular or certainly not horizontal or vertical. But is there something else that you do to make these drawings? YOUNG: How else do you do it? As we all know, there's the two knobs on the Etch A Sketch and you sort of have to get into a rhythm, turning them to get the little sand line to go where you want it. But the nuance look like pencil shading.ĪNDREA TILDEN: Yeah, the Etch A Sketch does work a lot like a pencil, except that you can primarily do horizontal and vertical lines well, with other lines being a little less precise.

It looks like a man, maybe it's a woman's back, though, and there are shadows. And she now moonlights as an Etch A Sketch artist creating realistic sketches of nudes.Īndrea, I'm looking one right now. Andrea Tilden is a professor of neurobiology at Colby College, but she started as an art major. And adults are creating original works of art and replicas of famous ones using it. Political consultants have, to their dismay, referenced it. The beloved Etch A Sketch turns 53 this month. Shake it upside down, it's fun you'll see. UNIDENTIFIED MAN: (Singing).with Etch A Sketch.